How To Change Voicemail Password On Android Phones
Prepare your Voicemail is important, but it is often a little counter-intuitive process – and the same thing applies to changing your voicemail password. The path to ensure people can leave you messages not only varies between platforms, but also individual phones and, the worst, telephone operators. Depending on where you are in the world, establishing your voicemail may be completely different from what will be recommended by some of the most popular guides on the internet. However, there are several tips and tricks to try on Android phones regardless of the brand of cellphones and operators.
Prepare your Voicemail is important, but it is often a little counter-intuitive process – and the same thing applies to changing your voicemail password. The path to ensure people can leave you messages not only varies between platforms, but also individual phones and, the worst, telephone operators. Depending on where you are in the world, establishing your voicemail may be completely different from what will be recommended by some of the most popular guides on the internet. However, there are several tips and tricks to try on Android phones regardless of the brand of cellphones and operators.
Often, your voicemail may not even have a password. For some people, this is fine, but if you tend to get a lot of voice messages, it might be better to protect them with a four-digit four-digit pin code. Most commonly, you will get the opportunity to manage the Voicemail password when activating the feature, but it is possible to change it later if you want to change the pin for any reason.
If you have an Android phone and want to learn how to change your voicemail password, you have come to the right place. Read below because we will guide you through the whole process.
Your first step is to rotate your own number as you do. If this does not mean anything useful (you might get an error or can’t even make a call), then proceed to try the next steps. If you are welcomed by your voicemail settings, you have arrived at the right place! From now, the whole process will be controlled by entering numbers to your mobile keyboard depending on what system you do.
Based on your location, you are first prompted to select the language you want to use to progress. Enter the correct number and “Receive” as instructed (usually with a # or * sign). Various operators allow different setting changes in this menu. You might be allowed to record your voicemail regards or choose from the default, set the password, or change the password if you want.
Select the appropriate settings, enter the new PIN number, repeat if requested, and voila! You just changed your voicemail password. Keep in mind that some operators or brands of mobile phone will not allow a very simple PIN number, such as 1234. You may not use it – it is almost the same as not having a password at all.
If you call your own number it doesn’t work, you can always try to contact your phone provider. This is a surefire way to solve this problem, but can sometimes make you stay on the phone for a long time, depending on the operator and their system. Some operators have an automatic system that allows you to change the voicemail or greeting password without talking to someone directly. In those cases, you will skip a disturbing queue and directly to the machine you can talk and manage your voicemail password. If you have to go through customer service representatives, the process is likely to be easier but it may take longer.