Apple Will Face Yet Another Antitrust Charge Soon

Apple Will Face Yet Another Antitrust Charge Soon

Apple faces an antitrust allegations related to streaming other music in Europe, carefully following the previous antitrust charge set by the European Commission in April 2021, which by itself followed the charge made in March 2019. Apple’s original cost was suspected to monopolize the UE App Store , However, some of the right details about the latest costs, reportedly will be issued in the next few weeks, according to Macrumors.

The complaint circuit made by Spotify targets Apple’s monetization practices, claiming that by taking 30% of all sales in the App Store, the company has been forced to raise their prices to accommodate the missing margins collected by Apple. This complaint was exacerbated by observations that the public price increase in the application, in turn, created an environment that channeled customers to use applications offered by Apple, not offered by competitors at Apple stores.

Leveraged against Apple by the European Commission, new antitrust costs are set to deepen a wide range of fine fine. Spotify launched the original claim against Apple, quoting that the need to charge customers $ 12.99 to subscribe to the standard only to get the same $ 9.99 usually in other environments. Because a single apple music subscription is worth $ 9.99 at no additional cost, it looks like the delicate price difference is synchronized to spit out customers who vice versa choose to subscribe to Spotify.

The complaint circuit made by Spotify targets Apple’s monetization practices, claiming that by taking 30% of all sales in the App Store, the company has been forced to raise their prices to accommodate the missing margins collected by Apple. This complaint was exacerbated by observations that the public price increase in the application, in turn, created an environment that channeled customers to use applications offered by Apple, not offered by competitors at Apple stores.

Leveraged against Apple by the European Commission, new antitrust costs are set to deepen a wide range of fine fine. Spotify launched the original claim against Apple, quoting that the need to charge customers $ 12.99 to subscribe to the standard only to get the same $ 9.99 usually in other environments. Because a single apple music subscription is worth $ 9.99 at no additional cost, it looks like the delicate price difference is synchronized to spit out customers who vice versa choose to subscribe to Spotify.

The complaint circuit made by Spotify targets Apple’s monetization practices, claiming that by taking 30% of all sales in the App Store, the company has been forced to raise their prices to accommodate the missing margins collected by Apple. This complaint was exacerbated by observations that the public price increase in the application, in turn, created an environment that channeled customers to use applications offered by Apple, not offered by competitors at Apple stores.

Leveraged against Apple by the European Commission, new antitrust costs are set to deepen a wide range of fine fine. Spotify launched the original claim against Apple, quoting that the need to charge customers $ 12.99 to subscribe to the standard only to get the same $ 9.99 usually in other environments. Because a single apple music subscription is worth $ 9.99 at no additional cost, it looks like the delicate price difference is synchronized to spit out customers who vice versa choose to subscribe to Spotify.

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