How To Change Your AirDrop Name On iPhone

How To Change Your AirDrop Name On iPhone

Airdrop is a useful way (though somewhat unsafe) to share files between various Apple products such as Mac, iPhone, and iPad quite quickly. Using airdrop also eliminates the need to worry about the type of size limit you might live with emails and the like. For individuals, this is a great way to transfer screenshots taken on the iPhone to MacBook for the article way to way, for example.

Of course, when using airdrop, it is important to choose the right person to send files to – even if the person himself. When using services in public places that are crowded where many people may have an iPhone in their pocket, it is possible to accidentally choose the wrong person and send your arrogant selfie with an innocent and unexpected receiver sign. This is very awkward for all parties involved, and also means that the target in question still has no photos.

Every time you use airdrop to share files, your device’s name will also be shared with whatever device you connect. Or, if you have airdrop receive a set for everyone, it can also appear every time anyone around it tries to use features on their own Apple devices. This is a type of detail that can cause shame if you use an odd name for your equipment, or maybe even lead to harassment in some cases.

The simplest way to avoid such problems is to adjust the airdrop to “receive,” by logging into application settings on your mobile. Or at least limit to “only contact,” which prevents random people send your airdrops, but the solution might not work for everyone. In this case you can change the name of your airdrop into something less embarrassing (or something harmless won’t pull creep) instead – type.

The truth is said, you cannot really change your airdrop name because it’s not a separate account, but is bound directly to your device. But while you cannot change your airdrop name, you can change the name of your device instead. And it is a process that is quite simple.

If you use an iPhone or iPad, you must open your device settings and go to the General. From there you can knock on the top of the menu, then name it at the top of the screen. From there you can delete, edit, or create a new nickname for your device that will appear every time you use airdrop (and iCloud, and private hotspots, and connect to your computer).

This is the same process for Mac, too. Just click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select System Preferences, then select Share (Looks like the folder icon). At the top of the window you will see the text field displaying your current computer name – just type new and you’re ready.

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